In the Fall of 2023, Wonder Goblin unveiled the first figure to be featured in the FANTASAURS series, Goblidon. The concept for Goblidon was to create a prehistoric version of his mascot, the Wonder Goblin. It was the only figure from the Fantasaur toyline that was sculpted by Wonder Goblin. The other characters were designed by Mr. Goblin, but sculpted by collaborator Magitarius.
There are many interesting facts pertaining to this type of Fantasaur. Their stomachs can break down food by converting it into colored light through gastric light dispersion. Goblidons have the ability to regurgitate this colored light in the form of rainbows, providing nourishment for their young, while also warding off enemies by feigning sickness from acute intoxication. Their bones are pneumatic (hollow), allowing for easier flight. The cycloptic eye contains extrasensory rod cells to see in pitch dark.
Below are various soft vinyl colorways and one-offs painted by Wonder Goblin.