Mecha-Mush was designed and produced by Wonder Goblin and made in Japan. It was partially sculpted by Mr. Goblin and partially by Bob Moore, lead sculptor of the Hasbro Star Wars toyline from the 1980s. Mecha-Mush is heavily inspired by Mechagodzilla. In honor of the homage, it was released in 2024, which was the 50th anniversary of Godzilla Vs. Mechagodzilla 1974. Mr. Goblin attended the premiere in person at Superfest 88 in Tokyo, Japan. To make the premiere release even more special, the figures were painted by Goto-san, the last living and working sofubi painter who worked for Bullmark, the manufacturer of the original Mechagodzilla toy released in 1974. Below is a picture of the premiere edition painted by Goto-san. Only a very small number of these exist.

Upon returning home from Japan, Mr. Goblin opened a limited pre-order for custom one-offs that allowed the collector to choose their favorite colors, which Mr. Goblin worked into the pieces. They were all painted on glow-in-the-dark sofubi.

Below are various soft vinyl colorways painted by Wonder Goblin.