It all started in early 2022 when Wonder Goblin came up with the concept to release a whole toyline of fantastical mutant dinosaurs all at once. Releasing more than one soft vinyl toy at a time is something that's rarely done in the designer toy scene, namely because of how expensive and laborious the process is. That didn't stop him from dreaming though. Mr. Goblin surrounded himself with his collection of dinosaur and kaiju toys from his childhood and soaked up the inspiration. He sketched out and designed creative new characters that he himself would have loved growing up playing with. He wrote backstories for the characters and their babies and even fantastical skills and attributes to make each one unique. Once he felt confident with his designs, he got in touch with Mike Lindenthal of Magitarius toys and pitched the concept, asking if he would do the honors of hand sculpting the figures. The two of them passed back and forth ideas and worked out all the details on which characters they would run with. They discussed how the actual physical toys would be articulated and brought to life. Also discussed during this process was the role Mike’s wife, Tracy Lindenthal, would have in adding to this creative process. In short, she would be doing all the illustrating and painting needed for the toy packaging and the Fantasaur comic book. They decided to start the project off with Mr. Goblin’s first design, the Fantasaurus Rex, using it as a test piece to see how their fan base would respond to the mutant dino concept before entering into production on an entire toyline. When Fantasaurus Rex premiered in early 2023, it was received very well, and so the team decided to move forward on full scale production.
Throughout the rest of 2023, Mike sculpted 6 more characters in clay while Tracy painted an array of pieces for the project. Tracy painted header card art, original paintings, and even an entire collection of kaiju anatomy posters for the purpose of compiling into a complete Fantasaur field guide to be showcased in the comic.

Once Mike finished sculpting the pieces, he molded them all in silicone, and cast the prototypes in urethane resin for sanding and finishing. Mike then engineered connecting pegs so that the prototypes could be articulated and assembled. From that point, all of the prototypes were taken to Wonder Goblin's studio where the three artists came together to work jointly on finishing the project up as a team. Lastly, Mr. Goblin took the figures and developed unique colorways for each character, airbrushing all of the prototypes as paint masters.

In March of 2024, they launched a Kickstarter campaign for THE FANTASAURS in an effort to raise funds for the factory expenses and comic book production. The campaign raised nearly $30,000, all of which went to covering the factory overhead. It wasn’t until the end of the year that the comic books were in hand and the factory finished mass production on the blank vinyl. For the next few months, Wonder Goblin and Magitarius painted tirelessly through the winter in order to get the backer rewards completed by late January 2025.